Let us help you through the process of creating a website. From purchasing the domain, to hosting the website, and even walking you through the different CMS(Content Management Systems) out there if you want to add content yourself.
We work on Microsoft, Apple, Google Chromebook and Linux computers. Buying a new computer? Let us talk you through your options so that you get the best computer for you.
Everything to setting up new your new router to extending your existing router's wifi signal. Would you like your network to do more? Contact me to set up a free consultation to rate your network infrastructure.
I moved to Massachussetts with my wife and got a job at an Apple store. My main job there was teaching one-on-one lessons on how to use a Mac. I really enjoyed teaching people how to streamline their workflow.
I purchased hosting space and began providing my services to the public.
Cape Fear Community College Computer Engineer Associates Program
Coding Bootcamp to further my skills in web development.